Churchill Area Neighbors
Advise | Educate | Protect
We want to be a resource for you - our neighbors! As we continue to add content and resources, please reach out to us for additional information.
What’s C.A.N.? Check out our About page, but basically, we’re a resource for southwest Eugene and your link to the City of Eugene.
Please fill out our survey!
Click on the link at the top to give us your ideas for this year. Fill it out before the end of March to be entered to win a gift card!
Food For Lane County “Green” Food Drive
NOW through March 30th… click on the link at the top!
The Churchill Area Neighbors is hosting a Green Food Drive to benefit FOOD For Lane County. A Green Food Drive is a digital drive of monetary donations in lieu of, or in addition to, a physical food donation. Last year, our Green Food Drive raised an amazing $600 which provided 1,200 meals for those in need in our community. This year, we’re setting our sights even higher, hoping to surpass that total and make an even greater impact together! Please make your donation today to help us ensure our neighbors have access to nutritious food to live healthy and active lives.
All donations made on this page go directly to FOOD For Lane County. For every dollar donated, FOOD For Lane County can access and distribute two meals.
FOOD For Lane County is an equal opportunity provider.
Amazon Creek Volunteer Trash Clean-Up Event on Amazon Creek
Saturday March 22 9-11am at Oakpatch and Amazon Creek
Join neighbors, Amazon Creek adoption teams, and Eugene Meto Rotary in picking up trash in and along the creek. City Parks staff will provide tools, supplies and instruction.
Contact Kelsey Irvine, Native Plant and Waterways Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Program, City of Eugene Parks and Open Space for questions or to R.S.V.P.: KIrvine@eugene-or.gov
Everyone Village
Our amazing Counilman Randy Groves is at it again… he shared a great video about all of the accomplishments and resources available at the Everyone Village right here in our C.A.N. Neighborhood. To view this video, check out our new Official Churchill Area Neighbors Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/groups/churchillarea
Monthly Executive Committee Meetings
Meetings are held monthly on the third Monday of every month, 6.30-8pm.
Please contact us for information.
We look forward to meeting you!