Fire Preparedness

May 2024 Emergency Preparedness Workshop

In May C.A.N. hosted an Emergency Preparedness Workshop and Evacuation Route table-top exercise. For the table-top exercise, residents sat with neighbors and emergency responders to plan multiple evacuation routes from their home. You can do this at home and practice them regularly so that, if there is an emergency, you know more than one way out.

Below are links to the presentation and useful resources provided at the meeting.

Emergency Notification and Evacuation ppt

OSFM Defensible Space Tips

Oregon State University Fire-Resistant Plans for Home Landscapes

Oregon State Fire Marshal Wildland Urban Interface Page

Oregon Emergency Management Self Preparedness Information


Be ready, be informed!

  • Create defensible space in your landscape following guidance from Oregon State Fire Marshall. They will even come out and give your a free defensible space assessment.

  • Sign up for alerts

  • Assemble an emergency kit. Don’t forget everyday items like prescriptions, baby items, and pet food.

  • Plan and practice emergency routes.


  • Prepare to evacuate. Plan more than one route; roads may be blocked or crowded.

  • Have your evacuation kits ready by the door.


  • Follow your plan and stay calm