You are the help

until help arrives

One of our main goals for 2024 is increasing our emergency preparedness within our neighborhood.

Who knows what?

Who has what?

Who can do what?

Our neighbors often rely on each other in times of emergency and crisis.

  • Introduce yourselves, exchange contact info, get to know your neighborhood.

  • What skills do you have that you can share with your neighbors?

    • Are you trained in CPR? Consider joining the PulsePoint Respond app that notifies you when a neighbor is in need.

  • C.A.N. is going to work on the Map My Neighborhood that will help us build an inventory of people and supplies. Here’s 9 Steps Immediately Following a Major Disaster:

  1. Take care of your loved ones.

  2. Protect your head, feet and hands.

  3. Check the natural gas or propane at your home.

  4. Shut off water at the house main.

  5. Place the HELP or OK sign on your front foor or in a window.

  6. Put your fire extinguisher on a sidewalk where someone can see it.

  7. After these steps are completed, go to the Neighborhood Gathering Site.

  8. Form Teams: Listening for alerts, checking on neighbors, checking gas and propane, check on homes with the “Help” sign.

  9. Regather at the Gathering Site and regroup.

Most people have the ability and desire to help their neighbors; they just may not know how.

Together we CAN!

Can you share these skills / knowledge?

  • First aid skills

  • Child care skills

  • Elder care skills

  • Search and rescue skills

  • Crisis counseling skills

  • Plumber skills

  • Carpenter skills

  • Electrician skills

  • Fire-fighting skills

  • Coordinating and organizing skills

Can you share these supplies/equipment?

  • First aid supplies

  • Tents / spare bedding

  • Generator

  • Fire extinguisher

  • Camp stove

  • Walkie-talkies

  • NOAA weather radio

  • Ladder

  • Crow bar

  • Strong rope

  • Chain saw

Starting Small

Other Eugene neighborhood associations have developed neighborhood response plans. Below is a link to a great article about how some of them started small and built up slowly; it all starts with you and your next-door neighbor…